
Comment écouter une webradio en voiture ?

Jeudi 5 Décembre 2019
Depuis la création de la première webradio dans les années 90, il existe de nombreuses solutions...
Comment écouter une webradio en voiture ?

Since the creation of the first webradio in the 90s, in 1995 exactly, there have been thousands of different kinds.
The main advantage of many webradios is that they offer content without advertisements, which allows the user to enjoy 100% of the content of the webradio without any interruption. It's a lot nicer when we're in the car to be able to listen to uninterrupted content, right?
Now we will answer this question, how to capture a webradio in a car?
For that two elements are necessary to answer this problematic, a smartphone with an Internet connection and a mobile application diffusing webradios. First of them: Allzic Radio is free, French and very intuitive. You will find on Allzic Radio thousands of web radios from all over the world and with very different themes. There are also other Internet radio broadcasting applications like TuneIn, MyTuner or others.
After having the phone and the application it is now necessary to relay it to the car, for that there are several possibilities ...
The first, a simple Bluetooth connection, to link the phone and car allows you to broadcast the audio content of the phone directly into the car. The second solution, just as easy and use a USB cable, which connects the phone and the car.
With this, you can listen to your webradio in your car, and you can listen to the radio Allzic Radio Nationale 7, whose programming was made from scientific studies in the US, France, Britain, China, see Brazilian, etc. ... and therefore ideal for short or long journeys ...

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