
On your marks, get set, podcast!

Lundi 15 Juillet 2019
Amateurs or professionals podcasters, this summer try your luck with the contest the Audioblogs of ARTE Radio.
On your marks, get set, podcast!


For the 5th edition of the contest, Arte Radio is renewing its partnership with les Inrockuptibles and Sennheiser to offer candidates the opportunity to express their creativity around podcasts. The rule is simple, you have to talk about your summer in 3 minutes maximum.

No form will be imposed on the participants: diary, docu, fiction, testimony, daily life situation ... The important thing for the jury is to feel the essence of a story, whether it is inspired by real events or not. All podcast lovers will be able to transcribe their perception of the summer audibly.

To try to win, each user will have to send by email to the address, their podcast in mp3 format, with a title, a short text of presentation, a photograph and its coordinates. The word "Summer podcast competition 2019" should be included in the subject line.

The 1st prize will win a paid broadcast on ARTE Radio, a broadcast on the site of the Inrocks as well as a one-year digital subscription to Inrocks and some Sennheiser headphones.

2nd and 3rd prizes, for their part, will win Sennheiser headphones with a one year digital subscription to les Inrocks.

Deadline for participation: Saturday, August 31, 2019 (included). For more information visit here:

Good luck to everyone !

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