Fête de la Musique, make music!
Vendredi 21 Juin 2019
June 21 symbolizes the beginning of the summer season with the Boreal Summer Solstice, but this date is also known worldwide because we celebrate the Fête de la Musique!
The perfect opportunity to return to the origin of these festivities, often unknown. The creation of the Fête de la Musique is due to the American musician Joel Cohen who had the idea in 1976, while working at France Musique, to create "Saturnales de la Musique" for June 21 and December 21 during the two solstices. However, it was only in 1982, six years later, that the Minister of Culture at the time, Jack Lang and Maurice Fleuret, the director of Music and Dance of the Ministry, introduced this celebration of music as a national celebration.
The success of the Fête de la Musique is such that it has crossed the borders of France and conquered more than 120 countries spread over five continents. Since 2011, the Fête de la Musique has been promoting music internationally through various festivities. Unity, accessibility and sharing are the key words of this day around artists of all musical genres to delight young and old alike!
The Allzic Radio team wishes you a happy Fête de la Musique and a sweet start to the summer!
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