
Wind of novelty on the French rap, the return of Nekfeu.

Jeudi 6 Juin 2019
This June 06, 2019 marks the return of Nekfeu with a new album ... in the cinema!
Wind of novelty on the French rap, the return of Nekfeu.

Two and a half years after the release of his second solo album "Cyborg", the 29-year-old French rapper returns with a third opus entitled "Les Étoiles Vagabondes". Ken Samaras, his real name, decided to delight his fans after making them wait for several years, offering them a new experience. Indeed, the former member of the group 1995 has revealed that the album will be premiered and exclusive on June 6, 2019 at 20h in a documentary feature film of one hour and a half made with the help of Syrine Boulanouar.

A new event collaboration between the two artists, broadcast in more than 150 Pathé cinemas throughout France but also in Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland. The enthusiasm of the public was such that it exceeded the borders of Europe, more than 65 000 tickets were sold. Projections have even been planned in Canada and Morocco.

"When two stars are too close and one of them explodes into a supernova, it happens that it condemns the other star to roam without trajectory in the universe. They are called wandering stars.” This is an enigmatic synopsis, leaving the public all the pleasure of a total discovery of the rapper's new project.

The album will be available for listening on all streaming platforms from June 07 at midnight. You can find all Nekfeu classics in our playlist Allzic Radio Rap FR:

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